
Worried About Not Getting Home For Christmas?

Posted on: 11 November 2020

So you want to ensure you get home for Christmas? Well who wouldn't. OK, The deal is simple, observe the current national restrictions until December 2nd and you’ll have from 3rd to the 9th of December to get home for the holidays. Known as the ‘ student travel window’, all students will be allowed to travel home on dates set by your respective University, staggered to prevent travel bottle necking and eliviate pressure on transport infrastructure.


All student education should be set to migrate to an online platform by December 9th which will then allow you to continue your study from home. Mass testing is planned to be introduced to all Universities across the nation (prioritised to areas of the nation that are in the highest risk sectors). Any individual with a positive result will be able to complete the required 10 day isolation and still be able to get home for Christmas.


Universities Minister Michelle Donelan said: “We know this Christmas will feel different, and after this incredibly difficult year we are absolutely committed to getting students back to their loved ones in time for the Christmas break. “But I know residents in Leicester might wonder how students leaving campus, or those coming back to the area, might affect them.


“I want to reassure everyone that we have worked really hard to find a way to do this for this group, while limiting the risk of transmission. With the national lockdown measures, staggered leave times, safer travel guidance and any additional assurances from testing, we are confident transmission can be controlled and we can enable these students to have the Christmas break they deserve.”


To keep the odds of a healthy Christmas stacked in your favour, follow the basics such as wearing a face covering, avoid busy routes and times, and limit car sharing with only their household or bubble where possible. Students that return home without a 4 week compliance of national restrictions should undertake at least 14 days of restricted contact prior to returning home.


For students that have to stay home during the holidays, government have requested that help and support packages be provided by the relevant universities, this could include care leavers, international students and students estranged from their families. Care packages will include mental health outreach by leading charities funded by government to the tune of £9m.



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